Helping to protect landowners right for the extraction of Natural Gas.

Helping to protect landowners' rights for the extraction of Natural Gas.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let Cuomo Know--from the JLCof NY

Dear Natural Gas Supporters Everywhere,
Here's a great way to let Governor Cuomo know what you're thoughts are on the gas issue and other matters that you feel need his attention.

On the website linked below this paragraph you can enter your name, address, and comments for the Governor. So please click on the link and let him know that you support natural gas efforts in NY, and that the facts already show that it can be safely and responsibly developed right now without any further delays. Use these words or your own to make the point and present the facts.

Here's that link...
Doing this simple action will be a big help in showing the governor that NYers do want gas and convincing him to support it sooner rather than later.

Thanks for your help in getting the word to Governor Cuomo.

Dan Fitzsimmons, President
Joint Landonwers Coalition of New York, Inc.

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